Listening and Speaking - To help learners to use everyday expressions, asking and answering questions, explaining things with basic language patterns, listening to short stories and basic conversations, and listening to voice messages.
Grammar and Vocabulary - To help learners to understand nouns (countable vs uncountable), adjectives (demonstrative adjectives, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives), how much/ how many, imperatives, modals (can, could), simple present, past tense, future (going to) and continuous tenses, there is/are, pronouns (simple, personal), prepositions of place and time (in, at, on).
Reading and Writing - To help learners to read for main ideas, make inferences, preview a text, scan and skim a text, describe places, events, write narrative and explanatory texts.
Listening and Speaking - To help learners to be able to listen for details, predict what people will say, to speak about celebrations, anecdotes, and everyday routines.
Grammar and Vocabulary - To help learners to understand nouns (countable vs uncountable), adjectives (demonstrative adjectives, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives), how much/ how many, imperatives, modals (can, could), simple present, past tense, future (going to) and continuous tenses, there is/are, pronouns (simple, personal), prepositions of place and time (in, at, on).
Reading and Writing - To help learners to read for details, understand key vocabulary, predict content, distinguish fact from opinion, write paragraphs.
Listening and Speaking - To help learners to understand the main points of speech encountered in work, school and leisure, to understand the central ideas of TV programs, social media texts, and job-related interaction.
Grammar and Vocabulary - To help learners to understand and use certain grammatical patterns such as present, past and future aspect of tense, modals, conditionals and adjectives.
Reading and Writing - To help learners to read for details, identify cohesive devices, skim, predict content, scan to find information, to write persuasive, explanatory and descriptive essays.
Listening and Speaking - To help learners to listen TV news, programs and movies, listen to and take phone messages, make phone calls, talk about plans and intentions, describe routines and habits, and give personal information.
Grammar and Vocabulary - To help learners to understand and use certain grammatical patterns such present, past and future aspect of tense, modals, conditionals, comparisons and contrasting, adverbs.
Reading and Writing - To help learners to read articles, reports and contemporary literary prose, to write an essay and report clearly and passing on detailed information about a wide range of subjects, and to write letters highlighting the personal viewpoints about certain events and experiences.
Listening and Speaking - The course will help learners to produce clear, smooth‑flowing, well-structured speech, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices, to listen and understand lectures, TV shows and reports.
Grammar and Vocabulary - To help learners to understand and use advanced grammar patterns, such as conditionals, passive and active forms of sentences, advance forms of pronouns and adjectives and modals.
Reading and Writing - To guide learners to read graphical information, recognize discourse organization, use context clues while reading, write about causes and effects, make claims, cite quoted material.